8 Inspirational Podcasts for Female Entrepreneurs


Podcasts seem to have exploded in popularity in the last few years. I still remember seeing the Podcast symbol on an iPod Touch and ignoring it thinking podcasts would never catch on.

I clearly wasn’t alone in that thought because podcasting, whilst growing, is still a medium well behind other platforms such as YouTube.

However, podcasts offer a whole wealth of information where you can learn almost anything to help build your business What I love about podcasts is that I can tap into experts’ knowledge whilst in the car, washing the dishes, changing the baby…

And the biggest bonus is that unless you’ve subscribed to a paid-for podcast, podcasts are generally free.

Podcasts also give you the chance to check someone out before you buy from them or enrol on a program they have. I’ve done this a few times when I’ve been on the fence about signing up for a course with someone. I’ve listened to their podcast to get more of a feel for their expertise, their brand, and their general persona.

As I said, the best thing about podcasts is that they are a wealth of free information. And unlike YouTube, they don’t require you to be looking at a screen to consume the information.

At this point, I feel that I owe a certain percentage of my business’s growth to podcasts, and particularly to some of the amazing female podcast hosts out there.

So in this post, I have rounded up my top 8 inspirational podcasts for female entrepreneurs. Hopefully, you’ll find a new podcast to inspire you too!

Built to Last with Megan Huber

Megan’s podcast hears from woman leaders who are building a legacy business whilst balancing marriage and motherhood. Her guests are true inspirations for where your own business could get to with some determination and hard work.

What I love about Megan’s podcast is that although many of her guests are high-fliers, there are actionable tips and tools in each episode that anyone can apply, regardless of where you currently are on your business journey.

Check out the Built to Last Podcast here >>

Content Cash Machine with Danielle Gagnon

I only came across this podcast recently and I’m completely hooked.

Danielle is an SEO specialist who promotes the use of SEO to grow your business. But she talks about so many other things on her podcast as well.

She has guests who speak about a whole range of business situations and scenarios and each episode gives you actionable tips to help grow your business.

It’s totally binge-worthy and I feel that Danielle and her guests break topics which are often seen as complex, down into bitesize and manageable chunks.

Check out the Content Cash Machine Podcast here >>

Full Freedom for Entrepreneurs with Skye Barbour

Skye digs into tough subjects on her podcast that all relate to entrepreneurship. From human resources matters to being vulnerable as a business leader, Skye doesn’t shy away from these sometimes tough topics. The episodes are fun and easy to listen to, and really feel like you’ve just sat down for a coffee with a friend who just happens to be talking about entrepreneurship.

Skye links business and personal life together to help you realise freedom within your business doesn’t mean compromising either your personal or business life in the quest for success.

Check out the Full Freedom for Entrepreneurs podcast here >>

Second Act Success with Shannon Russell

I found Shannon’s podcast right at the beginning when she just published her second episode. Eliza Collins who had previously guested on my own podcast liked and shared a post about Shannon’s episode. Curious, I decided to take a look.

Second Act Success is full of inspiring stories of people who have ditched what they were doing and have pivoted or completely changed lanes in their lives.

It’s a stark reminder that just because we picked a career path in high school, or have held a certain job for a number of years, does not mean that we have to stay in that lane.

Shannon’s interview style is very natural and the episodes are very easy to listen to and are 100% binge-worthy. I find the content really inspirational, particularly if you are an entrepreneur who is changing lanes and needs the occasional reminder that change is a good thing and that the second, third, or even fourth act in your life can be an amazing thing and can completely work out.

Check out the Second Act Success Podcast here >>

She Calls Her Shots with Krista Marie Lynch

Krista is a photographer, but her podcast goes way beyond her personal business and heavily focuses on helping those in the first 1-2 years of their business journey. Each episode has actionable tips for growing your business in a sustainable way that celebrates your successes and doesn’t focus solely on numbers.

Krista hosts both guests and solo episodes on this podcast and each approach is fresh and helpful to those at the beginning of their entrepreneur journey. There are some deep dives into tough business topics, but I find that the information is always put across in a way that is understandable for someone new to the podcast episode’s topic.

Check out the She Call Her Shots Podcast here >>

The Wit & Wire Podcast with Melissa Guller

If you want to start a podcast or have a podcast as part of your business, then I 100% recommend checking this podcast out.

It is full of actionable tips about creating and scaling your own podcast. I used it as a crash course for my own podcast and felt it was worth every second I listened to. Aside from the podcast information, Melissa also talks to experts about growing on social media and tons of other topics where the advice can easily be transferred out of podcasting and into many other elements of a business.

Check out The Wit & Wire Podcast here >>

Freelancer to CEO with Aubree Malick

Aubree Malick hosts this podcast that really redefines what a CEO is and how you should be viewing yourself as the CEO of your own business. Aubree’s episodes vary in length and vary between solo and guest episodes; so there really is something for everyone, even if you only have 15 minutes to listen in.

Each episode gives you actionable tips for scaling your business to new heights. The information is accessible to everyone and doesn’t require years of business knowledge or experience to implement.

Check out the Freelancer to CEO Podcast here >>

Bloggers Creating Courses

In at the cheeky number 8 spot is our own podcast; Bloggers Creating Courses. Hailed as a podcast that covers so much more than just course creation, we go behind the scenes of creating and teaching an online course.

The podcast grew out of my wanting to share my knowledge and experience of creating online courses with my audience, but having just had a baby, I didn’t want to be worrying about making myself look presentable enough to film a video for YouTube. So, the podcast was born.

Each week we host experts to cover all things online course related, but also dig into the business areas that affect and impact your online course.

Check out the Bloggers Creating Courses Podcast here >>

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